Charity Fashion and Talent Show

17th March 11

Abbey College Manchester Talent Show

The annual Abbey College Manchester Charity Fashion and Talent Show took place recently at the Unitarian Chapel on Cross Street just around the corner from the college. It was a fantastic evening entertainment and fun watched by a sell-out audience.

The programme included a fashion show using clothes supplied for the evening by Xpose from Wilmslow and an international fashion tableau using African and Asian dress.

Students also sang, danced and performed drama solos, and one even chopped wood with his foot!! The ever popular Abbey Choir (students and staff) sang a selection of Christmas carols that got everyone in the mood for the festive season.

The raffle prizes were as follows: Moe won the Vidal Sassoon hair treatment, Fay got tickets for the Manchester Eye, Naqaash won the two squash rackets and Jason received the tin of Quality Street.

The £25 book token still has not been claimed. The winning ticket number is 168. Please contact the college to get your prize.

Over £700 was raised on the night for our chosen charities, Francis House and the Pakistan Flood Appeal, which was a wonderful effort by all concerned.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT