Facebook Photography Challenge

12th July 12

Abbey College Manchester A level Photography Student Josh

Abbey College Manchester launched the “Life in Manchester” Facebook Photography Challenge, in which students were encouraged to enter their finest photography work through Facebook, to illustrate the artistic talents of its students and to celebrate the culture of Manchester. Launched in partnership with local photographer Rhona Delaney-Willis, who has over 15 years experience in the industry, the competition attracted entrants from students throughout the college who enjoyed demonstrating their artistic prowess outside of the classroom.

The competition winner was Josh Franks, who recently sat his A Level examinations in Art and Photography, English Language, Spanish and Sociology. He received the first prize of £50 gift vouchers.

Josh comments: “I am delighted to have been named as the winner of the “Life In Manchester” photography competition. I have always had a real passion for photography and it was great to be able to capture the exciting nature of Manchester life. All of the students have worked extremely hard throughout the year, so the competition was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the academic year.”

Independent judge and local photographer, Rhona Delaney-Willis, comments: “The competition attracted some fantastic and very moving entries, and highlighted the extent of artistic talent at Abbey College Manchester. I chose Josh’s entry as the winner, because I love the quiet and peaceful atmosphere created by the light and the solitary figure. The composition of the image is very effective, leading you into the photograph and there is a depth to the image that really draws you in”.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT