Art Success for Abbey College Manchester Students

13th November 20

We are delighted that work from two of our students have been awarded first place in their categories at the ISA North Art Competition and will progress to the national final in February 2021.

Every Year, the Independent Schools Association run an Art Competition between its 535 member schools.  It is a wonderful opportunity for schools to showcase their pupils’ artwork and celebrate the talent of students.    Art from over 100,000 students nationally is entered into the competition.  There are classes for all age groups from Early Years through to Sixth Form.

The first stage of the competition is the regional judging and Abbey College Manchester is in the ISA North Region.  There are 6 other regions nationally.

Many congratulations to Fiona for winning the Key Stage 5, 2D Art category (pictured above) and Shenyue Pictured below) for winning the Key Stage 5 Photography category.    We wish you both the best of luck in the national finals in February.

Claire Rigby, Head of Creative Arts commented “I am so thrilled for both of the girls.  They are both dedicated students and it is great to see the quality of their work being recognised.  It was difficult to select which pieces to enter, as we have a number of talented students in College and I feel this success reflects on all the students as they are a great support each other in their work.”