Art Workshops with UWE Bristol

1st April 21

Here at Abbey College Manchester, we pride ourselves with the great links we have with universities across the UK and how we can use these links to enhance our students’ learning experience.

The Art Department have been working with the University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol to deliver some inspiring online sessions for our students. UWE Bristol’s Film Making, Animation, and Photography Course is ranked 4th in the Country, and we are very pleased to have this connection.

On Tuesday 23rd February, our Art Students were joined by Hoching, a second year Animation student from UWE Bristol. She talked through how they learned the process of character design, and led a task on designing our own ‘Angry Artist’ which was great fun!

The students really enjoyed the workshop and it was a good way for them to learn about the specifics of the course, as well as giving them an opportunity to talk about more general aspects of student life.  Hoching  is a very talented artist and impressed everybody with her excellent work.

Then in March the Art Students had a further productive workshop with Kaynat who is in the final year of her Fine Art degree at UWE.  She spoke to us about how she generates ideas for her work, from first thoughts through to a finished piece. We saw some samples from sketchbooks and learnt how the course encourages students to regularly present work in progress to invite alternative perspectives from fellow students. She gave advice about documenting ideas and talked through a project she’d completed. Then, our task was to create a response to the idea of ‘sustainability’, with any materials or media to hand. The results were very varied and interesting, we had fun and students were able to ask questions about life at University.

The students are looking forward to the next session from UWE which is on portfolio preparation.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT