Abbey College Manchester Opens Wellbeing Centre

2nd November 22

Abbey College Manchester has enhanced its student welfare provision with the creation and opening of a dedicated wellbeing area.

Situated in the heart of the city centre-based college and accessible for all, the new facility offers a quiet and relaxing sanctuary for students to use throughout the school day, including before and after lessons, and during study periods. Equipped with comfortable seating and floor cushions, games and fidget toys, and an aroma therapy diffuser emitting calming fragrances, the Wellbeing area enables students to take time to break away from their studies and focus their attention on wellbeing and mindfulness in a dedicated space.

The highly-valued hub, which was initiated and developed by Jenny Nute [SENDCo and Mental Health Lead] and Mariam Whitehead [Learning Support Manager and Wellbeing Coordinator], also offers an ideal base for student-teacher support meetings in an informal setting.


Abbey College Manchester has also introduced a professional college counsellor, providing specialist mental health support from the wellbeing centre on a weekly basis.

Principal Chris Randell commented, “We are incredibly pleased with the hugely positive response that we have received from both students and staff members following the opening of our new Wellbeing area, a facility that is a testament to our commitment to our pupils’ mental health and wellbeing.

“In our friendly and supportive environment here at Abbey College Manchester, the welfare of our students is of utmost importance and by investing in this new space we are able to support students further. We take great pride in our small size and personal approach ensuring that we know each and every one of our students very well, allowing us to understand them as young people and to help them to fulfil their potential and aspirations.”

In further support of mental health and wellbeing, staff members and students recently joined together at the leading independent school to mark World Mental Health Day. In a bid to raise much-needed funds for the charity Young Minds, monetary donations were made by the school community to wear items of clothing in the colours of their school house.

Abbey Manchester
Open Morning, Friday 28th February @9.30am