Sky News Visit

16th August 11

Abbey College Manchester Sky News Visit

Abbey College Manchester was delighted to welcome Sky News journalist Gamal Fahnbulleh and his team into the college this week. Gamal was doing a follow story on an original feature Sky News did in August 2007 when they filmed some of our successful students opening their A-Level results envelopes.

This time around, Gamal was here to find out how those four students had got on since leaving the college. Sophie Rowley is now doing a Masters in Victorian Times at the University of Manchester, Richard Lindsay recently graduated at the University of Central Lancashire with a degree in Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying, Asmaa Alam is currently reading for her degree in Medicine at Peninsula Medical School and Waqaas Ali has secured a coveted place on Apple’s Graduate Scheme.

We are really pleased to see our alumni doing so well and we wish them every success in the future.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT