Fly on the Wall Video Diaries

8th February 13

Abbey College Manchester Video Diaries

Two Abbey College Manchester students decided to record a typical day at college in video and sound. The idea is to use it as a tool to promote the college’s unique learning culture and experiences. From leaving home in the morning to returning in the evening the whole essence of college life was covered.

Filming took place to provide a fly on the wall image of what goes on in classes, at break-times and lunch and during enrichment activities, and out and about in Manchester itself. The video diaries show the array of resources and facilities available to help personal and learning development.

Liz Elam, Principal of the college, says: “The only better way of showing off what the college has to offer than through film is by using students to star in the actual film! This is what we have done here and the end results are fantastic. It’s a wonderful snapshot capturing what goes on behind the front door and shows the college in action”.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT