The Sky’s The Limit!

21st March 14

The SKy's The Limit for Former International Foundation Programme student Anna

Former Abbey College Manchester student, Anna Sapegina, recently visited the college to pass on the secrets of her success to the current crop of students. She completed the International Foundation Programme (Business Pathway) at the college three years ago with excellent grades and gained a place to read Business Management at the University of Manchester.

Her advice to students is to join as many relevant clubs and societies as possible, and be as active a member of the university community as possible. Anna is currently the Vice President of the university’s Entrepreneurial Society. They arrange a range of events throughout the year with local, national and international business including talks and presentations, workshops and seminars.

Anna also said that planning your work time out at university is vital. There is quite a bit of non-contact time between students and lecturers and it is up to the students not to fritter this away but to use it usefully for research and study purposes.

She is currently in the final year of a Business Management degree but has already secured a job with prestigious jet engine manufacture Rolls Royce. This graduate position in Customer Management will start in September 2014 and will give Anna the opportunity to experience, and have exposure to, several sectors within the organisation including commercial, marketing and finance.

Anna has done brilliantly in her education so far and everyone at the college wishes our ‘high flyer’ the best of luck in the future.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT