One Billion Rising for Justice

7th March 14

Abbey College Manchester Raise Money for One Billion Rising

Recently Abbey College Manchester students and staff alike became part of a international campaign to end violence against women. Overcoming stage fright, with the help of a feel good soundtrack, we rose in support of the 1 in 3 women who suffer domestic violence in their lifetime. We rose for justice and we rose to make a difference and to reduce this shocking statistic. Whether following the One Billion Rising routine or just swaying along to the music, here at Abbey College Manchester we became part of the voice that cries to end violence against women.

Even those who could not make it to the lunchtime dance for justice contributed their thoughts and support on a large poster which circulated the college in the week prior. The poster joined those dancing and became part of the photos that have now been sent to the One Billion Rising campaign, joining the 1 billion people across the world who like us, took time out of our day, to help make a drastic and much needed change in women’s lives and the fight for equality.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT