Charity Fundraising Success

21st October 13

Tom Moakler, a teacher from the college and organiser of its participation in the Great Manchester Run and a couple of students present Kate Puc from Francis House Children’s Hospice with a donation of £2,640 following a successful fundraising campaign for the charity.

The efforts included a charity fashion and talent show, which saw students present their creative collections at an event brimming with cultural inspiration, a Halloween themed event and 23 students and staff taking part in the Great Manchester Run. More exciting events are planned for the rest of this academic year.

Based in Didsbury, Francis House provides essential support for families and their children, who have been diagnosed as having life threatening or life limiting conditions. The hospice provides a home from home, where families can receive professional care, support and friendship, free of charge and regardless of faith or cultural background.

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT