Independent Schools Inspection – February 2015

This integrated inspection occupied a period of four continuous days in the college during February 2015.

The inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with students and examined samples of students’ work. They held discussion with senior members of staff and with representatives of the proprietor, observed a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period and attended registration sessions and assemblies. Inspectors visited boarders’ accommodation, including a small sample of lodgings with host families and the Cavendish Place, the student residence and looked at the medical facilities. The responses of parents and students to a pre-inspection questionnaire were analysed and the inspectors examined regulatory documentation made available by the college.

We are delighted to say that the final report was overwhelming positive and praised the college in many different ways.

The staff team, the students and their parents all deserve congratulations for the part they have played, and continue to play, in making Abbey College Manchester such a wonderful place to be.

Key findings from the report include:

“Abbey College is highly successful in achieving its aims to guide students to achieve academic success, to fulfil their aspirations and to learn to respect and value one another”

“The students’ personal development is excellent. They are confident, articulate and sensitive to the needs of others”

“The students have excellent attitudes towards their work. They are well focused in class, eager to succeed and hard-working”

“The contribution of the curriculum and extra-curricular provision is excellent”

“The college benefits from clear leadership”

“The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the students is excellent”

“Excellent relationships exist between students and staff”

“Students from overseas integrate well and work happily with local students in classes, tutorials and the enrichment programme”

Click here to see the full report

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT