GCSE with Football Training

2 Years 18 Months 1 Year
Age on entry to the course 14 or 15 15 or 16 15, 16 or 17
IELTS (Academic)  4.0  4.5 5.0

A-levels with Football Training

A limited number of subjects are available with this option.

Please click here for more information

3 Years 2 years
Age on entry to the course 16 or 17 16, 17, 18, 19 or 20
IELTS (Academic) 4.5 5.5


International Foundation with Football Training

The Business and Science Pathways are available with Football Training.

Please click here for more information

2 Years 18 Months 1 Year
Age on entry to the course 16, 17 or 18 16, 17 or18 17, 18 or 19
IELTS (Academic) 4.5 5.0 6.0


Abbey Manchester
Join us in September

Join Abbey College Manchester in September 2024

Day and Boarding places available this September for students aged 14 – 21 years.

Join our GCSE, A Level, International Foundation, and Combined Studies Programmes.