
Students Rise to the Challenge

1st April 15

Promising photographer William Haq filtered down the competition to win prominent positioning of his artwork in the college’s brand new reception area.

Lake District Field Trip

3rd March 15

The annual field trip to Blencathra near Keswick took place for A-Level Environmental Studies and Geography students over the February half-term. This is an important part of the curriculum for both subjects.

The Poetry Robot

16th January 15

A group of students worked as a team to build the robot from old boxes. They wrote and attached a series of poems in various font sizes, types and colours to fit its shape.

Inspirational Sculptures and Art

16th December 14

Art and Photography students recently visited Bretton Hall near Wakefield to photograph and sketch the works of art and sculptures on display in the grounds.

Charity Festive Evening

16th December 14

Our talented A Level and GCSE students took to the stage to dazzle the sell-out audience with an array of fantastic performances in the college’s annual charity Christmas show, in aid of Wateraid.

Model UN Debate

2nd December 14

Talented A level students at Abbey College Manchester shone in the spotlight of a high-pressure UN summit recently against students from five top Greater Manchester schools.

Major Building Investment

3rd November 14

Guest of honour Julian Drinkall joined Liz Elam, college staff and students to officially open its new £100,000 landmark building investment in the form of a new ground floor extension.

The Abbey College Manchester Guide to GCSE Results Day 2014

20th August 14

We hope you’ve had a great summer and enjoyed some much deserved time off, catching up with your friends and your family after all your hard work last term. We imagine as well you’ve been trying your best to forget about tomorrow, Thursday 21st August: GCSE Results Day.

Law FAQs

12th August 14

Another very popular post which generated a lot of interest form you all was “Want to be a Lawyer?” from August 2012. As many of your wrote in asking for advice and with questions, we thought we’d take some of the most popular questions and try and answer them all for you.

Do you want to study Civil Engineering at University?

8th August 14

Do you want to study Civil Engineering at University? Do you need Maths AND Physics A Level? Any other A Levels looked upon more favourably? Where should I go and study? Answers to all of your questions here…

Abbey Manchester
Virtual Open Morning, Wednesday 26th March @10am GMT